Ben Goldacre
Director of Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science
Bennett Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine
Director of Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science
Ben is a doctor, academic, writer, and broadcaster. He trained in medicine at Oxford and UCL, in psychiatry at the Maudsley, and in epidemiology at LSHTM. His academic and policy work is in informatics, epidemiology and evidence based medicine, where he works on various problems including variation in care, better uses of routinely collected electronic health data, evidence-based social policy, access to clinical trial data, efficient trial design, and retracted papers.
He runs the Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science. This is a multidisciplinary team of academics, clinicians and software developers, all pooling skills and knowledge to turn large datasets into tools and services as well as pure academic research papers.
OpenSAFELY is a fully open source and highly secure analytics platform for NHS data created during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is currently executing code across an unprecedented scale of data: 58 million patients full raw GP records - 70 billion rows of information - linked onto various other sources including SGSS, SUS/HES, ECDS, ISARIC, ICNARC, ONS death, and more. All code for the platform, and for data management and analysis of each output, is shared under open licenses for review and re-use. OpenSAFELY has delivered a range of outputs in journals such as Nature, Lancet and the BMJ from a large national academic collaboration.
OpenPrescribing is a live, freely accessible explorer for 8,000 individual NHS GP practices’ prescribing data: it implements cutting edge data science techniques in a real working tool which serves over 150,000 unique users a year, and thousands of subscribers receiving regular context alerts on changes in their prescribing behaviour. Alongside this tool the Bennett Institute have also rapidly delivered a substantial body of work describing variation in prescribing behaviour across the NHS, and the drivers of practice change.
The TrialsTracker is a range of automated online tools monitoring the reporting status of all clinical trials, with papers in the BMJ and Lancet; its sister project COMPare Trials monitors detailed data on outcomes within reported clinical trials.
In policy work, he recently led a review into the Better, Broader, Safer Use of NHS Data for Research and Analysis, reporting to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. He is chair of the HealthTech Advisory Board, a member of the Data Science Advisory Board for the Joint Biosecurity Centre, and has previously served on various national committees including the Dept for Education Data and Evidence Board and the Ministry of Justice Data, Evidence and Science Board. He co-authored this influential Cabinet Office paper, advocating for randomised trials in government, and setting out mechanisms to drive this forwards; and conducted an independent external review for the Department for Education, on improving the creation and use of evidence in the teaching sector (the public component of this work is published here). He is the co-founder of the AllTrials campaign. He also engages more broadly with policy makers and has given evidence on numerous occasions to various parliamentary select committees including the Public Accounts Committee (withheld clinical trials and Tamiflu),Science and Technology (withheld clinical trials, homeopathy), Health (privacy and electronic patient data), and Culture Media & Sport (libel).
Alongside this he also works in public engagement, writing and broadcasting for a general audience on problems in evidence based medicine. His books have sold over 600,000 copies; his TED talks have had over 4 million views; while being accessible to a general audience, these lectures and books are also used in university teaching around the world.
For anything other than Bennett Institute and PHC business please use ben@badscience.net
Papers by Ben Goldacre
- Trends and variation in andexanet alfa for the reversal of direct oral anticoagulants in NHS Trusts in England
- Using Laboratory Test Results for Surveillance During a New Outbreak of Acute Hepatitis in 3-Week- to 5-Year-Old Children in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Curaçao: Observational Cohort Study
- Primary care coding activity related to the use of online consultation systems or remote consulting
- Impact of COVID-19 on recorded blood pressure screening and hypertension management in England
- Therapeutics Dataset from COVID-19 Medicine Delivery Units in England
- The safety of antivirals and neutralising monoclonal antibodies used in prehospital treatment of Covid-19
- Consistency, completeness and external validity of ethnicity recording in NHS primary care records: a cohort study in 25 million patients’ records at source using OpenSAFELY
- Changes in sick notes associated with COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022: a cohort study in 24 million primary care patients in OpenSAFELY-TPP
- Effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines as First Booster Doses in England
- Changes in opioid prescribing during the COVID-19 pandemic in England
- Healthcare utilisation in people with long COVID
- Exploring Prior Antibiotic Exposure Characteristics for COVID-19 Hospital Admission Patients
- Data-Driven Identification of Potentially Successful Intervention Implementations Using 5 Years of Opioid Prescribing Data
- Incidence and treatment of group A streptococcal infections during covid-19 pandemic and 2022 outbreak
- OpenSAFELY: Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents
- Clinical coding of long COVID in primary care 2020–2023 in a cohort of 19 million adults
- Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on deprivation-level differences in cardiovascular hospitalisations
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Antidepressant Prescribing with a focus on people with learning disability and autism
- Impact of long COVID on health-related quality-of-life: an OpenSAFELY population cohort study using patient-reported outcome measures (OpenPROMPT)
- Identification of patients undergoing chronic kidney replacement therapy in primary and secondary care data
- The impact of COVID-19 on azathioprine, leflunomide and methotrexate monitoring, and factors associated with change in monitoring rate
- The impact of COVID-19 on medication reviews in English primary care
- Comparative safety and effectiveness of Pfizer BA.4-5 versus Sanofi during the spring 2023 COVID-19 booster vaccination programme in England
- Impact of vaccination on the association of COVID-19 with cardiovascular diseases
- During the COVID-19 pandemic 20 000 prostate cancer diagnoses were missed in England
- Measuring BMI in 22 million patients in England
- Weight trends amongst adults with diabetes or hypertension during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Safety of direct-acting oral anticoagulant (DOAC) prescribing
- OpenSAFELY: a platform for analysing electronic health records designed for reproducible research
- Trends in inequalities in avoidable hospitalisations across the COVID-19 pandemic
- Educational interventions delivered to prescribing advisers to influence primary care prescribing: a very low-cost pragmatic randomised trial using routine data from OpenPrescribing.net
- Ursodeoxycholic acid and severe COVID-19 outcomes in people with liver disease
- Impact of COVID-19 on mental illness in vaccinated and unvaccinated people
- Implementing Germ Defence digital behaviour change intervention via all primary care practices in England to reduce respiratory infections during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Clinical and health inequality risk factors for non-COVID-related sepsis during the global COVID-19 pandemic
- Interpreting pathology test result values with comparators (<, >) in Electronic Health Records research
- Antibiotics for Common Infections in Primary Care Before, During and after the COVID-19 Pandemic and Extent of Risk-Based Prescribing: Need for Personalised Guidelines
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the treatment of common infections in primary care and the change to antibiotic prescribing in England
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on antipsychotic prescribing in individuals with autism, dementia, learning disability, serious mental illness or living in a care home
- Effect of the 2022 COVID-19 booster vaccination campaign in 50 year olds in England
- Challenges in Estimating the Effectiveness of 2 Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine Beyond 6 Months in England
- Gout incidence and management during the COVID-19 pandemic in England, UK
- Healthcare in England was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic across the pancreatic cancer pathway
- Eleven key measures for monitoring general practice clinical activity during COVID-19
- Evaluation of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on hospital admission related to common infections
- Repeated antibiotic exposure and risk of hospitalisation and death following COVID-19 infection
- Patient characteristics associated with clinically coded long COVID: an OpenSAFELY study using electronic health records
- Patient Characteristics Associated with Repeat Antibiotic Prescribing Pre- and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A National Audit of Pancreatic Enzyme Prescribing in Pancreatic Cancer from 2015 to 2023 in England
- Changes in medication safety indicators in England throughout the covid-19 pandemic using OpenSAFELY
- Effectiveness of Sotrovimab and Molnupiravir in community settings in England across the Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 sublineages
- Impact of COVID-19 on broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribing for common infections in primary care in England
- The impact of COVID-19 on antibiotic prescribing in primary care in England
- Challenges in Estimating the Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination Using Observational Data
- Changes in COVID-19-related mortality across key demographic and clinical subgroups in England from 2020 to 2022
- Data-Driven Identification of Unusual Prescribing Behavior: Analysis and Use of an Interactive Data Tool Using 6 Months of Primary Care Data From 6500 Practices in England
- Postoperative mortality and complications in patients with and without pre-operative SARS-CoV-2 infection
- Comparative effectiveness of BNT162b2 versus mRNA-1273 covid-19 vaccine boosting in England
- First dose COVID-19 vaccine coverage amongst adolescents and children in England
- Trends, variation, and clinical characteristics of recipients of antiviral drugs and neutralising monoclonal antibodies for covid-19 in community settings
- OpenSAFELY NHS Service Restoration Observatory 2
- Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine uptake in people with kidney disease
- Identifying Patterns of Clinical Interest in Clinicians' Treatment Preferences: Hypothesis-free Data Science Approach to Prioritizing Prescribing Outliers for Clinical Review
- Comparative effectiveness of two- and three-dose schedules involving AZD1222 and BNT162b2 in people with kidney disease
- Comparative effectiveness of sotrovimab and molnupiravir for prevention of severe covid-19 outcomes in patients in the community
- Incidence and management of inflammatory arthritis in England before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Recording of ‘COVID-19 vaccine declined’
- Association between household composition and severe COVID-19 outcomes in older people by ethnicity
- Waning effectiveness of BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1 covid-19 vaccines over six months since second dose
- Comparative effectiveness of ChAdOx1 versus BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines in Health and Social Care workers in England
- Representativeness of electronic health record platform OpenSAFELY-TPP data compared to the population of England
- Describing the population experiencing COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough following second vaccination in England
- Association between oral anticoagulants and COVID-19-related outcomes
- Long COVID burden and risk factors in 10 UK longitudinal studies and electronic health records
- Risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes associated with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases and immune modifying therapies
- Safety of COVID-19 vaccination and acute neurological events
- Impact of First UK COVID-19 Lockdown on Hospital Admissions
- Accident and emergency (AE) attendance in England following infection with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron or Delta
- Rates of serious clinical outcomes in survivors of hospitalisation with COVID-19 in England
- Comparison of methods for predicting COVID-19-related death in the general population using the OpenSAFELY platform
- Potentially inappropriate prescribing of DOACs to people with mechanical heart valves
- Overall and cause-specific hospitalisation and death after COVID-19 hospitalisation
- Mortality among Care Home Residents in England during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic
- OpenSAFELY NHS Service Restoration Observatory 1: primary care clinical activity in England during the first wave of COVID-19
- Trends and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 vaccine recipients
- Impact of national guidance on switching anticoagulant therapy during COVID-19 pandemic
- Clinical coding of long COVID in English primary care
- Association between warfarin and COVID-19-related outcomes compared with direct oral anticoagulants
- Severity of Severe Acute Respiratory System Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Alpha Variant (B.1.1.7) in England
- Risks of covid-19 hospital admission and death for people with learning disability
- Factors associated with deaths due to COVID-19 versus other causes
- Ethnic differences in SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19-related hospitalisation, intensive care unit admission, and death in 17 million adults in England
- Association between living with children and outcomes from covid-19
- Case fatality risk of the SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern B.1.1.7
- Changes in the rate of cardiometabolic and pulmonary events during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Short report: Ethnicity and COVID-19 death in the early part of the COVID-19 second wave in England
- Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of death from COVID-19
- HIV infection and COVID-19 death
- Effect of pre-exposure use of hydroxychloroquine on COVID-19 mortality
- Impact of Electronic Health Record Interface Design on Unsafe Prescribing of Ciclosporin, Tacrolimus, and Diltiazem: Cohort Study in English National Health Service Primary Care
- Risk of COVID-19-related death among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma prescribed inhaled corticosteroids
- Suboptimal prescribing behaviour associated with clinical software design features: a retrospective cohort study in English NHS primary care
- Prescription of suboptimal statin treatment regimens: a retrospective cohort study of trends and variation in English primary care
- The NHS deserves better use of hospital medicines data
- Bringing NHS data analysis into the 21st century
- Factors associated with COVID-19-related death using OpenSAFELY
- Trends and variation in unsafe prescribing of methotrexate: a cohort study in English NHS primary care.
- The poor performance of apps assessing skin cancer risk
- Compliance with legal requirement to report clinical trial results on ClinicalTrials.gov: a cohort study
- Barriers to Working With National Health Service England's Open Data
- Why researchers should share their analytic code
- FDAAA TrialsTracker: A live informatics tool to monitor compliance with FDA requirements to report clinical trial results
- Variation in responsiveness to warranted behaviour change among NHS clinicians: novel implementation of change detection methods in longitudinal prescribing data
- Personalised Medicine Using N-of-1 Trials: Overcoming Barriers to Delivery
- Catalogue of bias: publication bias.
- Impact of Chief Medical Officer activity on prescribing of antibiotics in England: an interrupted time series analysis
- Is Use of Homeopathy Associated With Poor Prescribing in English Primary Care? A Cross-Sectional Study
- COMPare: a prospective cohort study correcting and monitoring 58 misreported trials in real time.
- COMPare: Qualitative analysis of researchers' responses to critical correspondence on a cohort of 58 misreported trials
- Do doctors in dispensing practices with a financial conflict of interest prescribe more expensive drugs? A cross-sectional analysis of English primary care prescribing data.
- Measuring the Impact of an Open Web-Based Prescribing Data Analysis Service on Clinical Practice: Cohort Study on NHS England Data
- Why did some practices not implement new antibiotic prescribing guidelines on urinary tract infection? A cohort study and survey in NHS England primary care
- Opioid prescribing trends and geographical variation in England, 1998–2018: a retrospective database study
- Practice variation in the use of tests in UK primary care
- Six months on – NHS England needs to focus on dissemination, implementation and audit of its Low-Priority Initiative
- Temporal trends in use of tests in UK primary care, 2000-15
- Too few trials or too few reported trials?
- Time trends and geographical variation in prescribing of antibiotics in England 1998–2017
- Compliance with requirement to report results on the EU Clinical Trials Register: cohort study and web resource.
- Reply to Comment on 'Impact of NICE guidance on tamoxifen prescribing in England 2011–2017: an interrupted time series analysis'
- Why Cochrane should prioritise sharing data
- Detecting Change in Comparison to Peers in NHS Prescribing Data: a Novel Application of Cumulative Sum Methodology
- Pregabalin: what the patent litigation means for doctors and drug companies
- The clinician impact and financial cost to the NHS of litigation over pregabalin: a cohort study in English primary care
- Trends and variation in prescribing of low-priority treatments identified by NHS England: a cross-sectional study and interactive data tool in English primary care
- Time trends and geographical variation in prescribing of drugs for diabetes in England from 1998 to 2017
- Noncommercial Funders' Policies on Trial Registration, Access to Summary Results, and Individual Patient Data Availability.
- Impact of NICE guidance on tamoxifen prescribing in England 2011–2017: an interrupted time series analysis
- Trends, geographical variation and factors associated with prescribing of gluten-free foods in English primary care: a cross-sectional study
- A cross-sectional study of all clinicians' conflict of interest disclosures to NHS hospital employers in England 2015-2016.
- Variation in diagnostic test requests and outcomes: a preliminary metric for OpenPathology.net
- Prevalence of clinical trial status discrepancies: A cross-sectional study of 10,492 trials registered on both ClinicalTrials.gov and the European Union Clinical Trials Register.
- OpenPrescribing: normalised data and software tool to research trends in English NHS primary care prescribing 1998–2016
- New mechanism to identify cost savings in English NHS prescribing: minimising 'price per unit', a cross-sectional study
- Pharmaceutical companies' policies on access to trial data, results, and methods: audit study.
- The WHO joint statement from funders on trials transparency
- The TrialsTracker: Automated ongoing monitoring of failure to share clinical trial results by all major companies and research institutions.
- OpenTrials: towards a collaborative open database of all available information on all clinical trials
- Make journals report clinical trials properly
- Fixing flaws in science must be professionalized
- Antivirals, pandemic planning, and failure to heed calls for trial data
- How medicine is broken, and how we can fix it
- How to get all trials reported: audit, better data, and individual accountability
Blog posts by Ben Goldacre
- What's next for OpenSAFELY?
- Some reflections about funding
- The OpenSAFELY Collaborative
- What the National Data Library should look like
- OpenSAFELY in brief
- Game-changing new funding from Wellcome for OpenSAFELY and mental health data
- The past, present and future of OpenSAFELY: Introduction
- A successful symposium - thank you for coming!
- Ben Goldacre appears on BBC's More or Less
- We're hiring!
- Ben Goldacre's inaugural lecture: a whistlestop tour of everything we do, from OpenPrescribing via TrialsTracker to OpenSAFELY and Open Science!
- The future of OpenSAFELY: an important announcement from NHS England, DHSC and the Bennett Institute at Oxford
- We're hiring! CLOSES SOON!
- Re-running your study, quickly and easily: why automated pipelines matter for research
- What is OpenSAFELY?
- Better use of data and digital offer rapid opportunities to address covid-19
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence — NICE Prescribing Dashboards
- Trial Reporting at UK Universities
- 2018 Round-Up
- The EU TrialsTracker is Live!
- Nearly half of the EU's clinical trial results go unreported
- FDAAA TrialsTracker Milestones: 6 Months, >1200 trials, $500 Million in Fines
- "PPPI": why academics should engage Patients, the Public *and* Professionals
- An unreported clinical trial… from the FDA themselves
- Welcoming our new Bennett Institute team member, Darren Smyth: a lawyer!
- Our FDAAA TrialsTracker is already helping to get new trials reported!
- Unreported Trial of the Week: NCT01846221
- Making the FDAAA TrialsTracker even better than current ClinicalTrials.gov data
- Tool 'names and shames' hidden drug trials
- The FDAAA TrialsTracker is Live!
- Omega-3 isn't very effective: using prescribing data to explore the impact of trials, reviews, and guidelines
- Which GPs are prescribing the treatments advised against by NHS England?
- Our New Tool Finds Over £100m in New Cost Savings for the NHS
- Bennett Institute 2016 Round-Up